Weekly Minutes
November 8, 2016: No Senate
November 22, 2016: No Senate
February 14, 2017: No Senate
May 2nd, 2017
November 14, 2017 - Will be updated soon.
Monday December 11, 2017
To: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, Faculty, Staff
From: Washington College Student Government Association
When: Monday December 11th, 2017 12:15PM
Subject: End of the Year Report
Dear Washington College Students, Faculty and Staff,
The fall semester is coming to a close, and so is the year. The Washington College Student Government Association’s Executive Board would like to share with you everything they have accomplished over their term in the year 2017!
Over the year, the SGA has created a platform that would be best suited for the current students here at WAC. The SGA has worked diligently to try and accomplish the goals that were set forth by the platform. We have been able to reenact the Council of President’s program which has benefited the organizations we have on campus, revisited the Budget Guidelines and made them best suit the student body, and much more!
With that being said, the SGA would like to wish all students the best of luck on all of your finals. Study hard and do amazing work! Have a safe and great winter break. We cannot wait to continue working with everyone in the spring!
In Partnership,
Washington College Student Government Association
Thursday November 3, 2016
To: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, Faculty, Staff
From: Washington College Student Government Association
When: Thursday November 3rd, 1:50pm
Subject: Platform on Campus Issues
Hello Goose Nation!
It is with great pleasure that I present to you the 2016-2017 Student Government Association Platform. The 10 articles included in this platform were the primary concerns suggested by the Senate, Executive Board, and general students and were voted upon during the October 18th Senate meeting. The Senate approved the platform on Tuesday evening’s meeting for us to focus upon for the next few months.
As your Student Government Association, we will be hard at work looking into these issues to make your experience here at WAC the best it can be! If you have questions, comments, or ideas you would like to see happen with the 10 articles included in the attached platform, please stop by the SGA office located across from Java George in Hodson to talk to one of the Executive Board members, talk to your Senator, or join us at our next Senate meeting on the 15th. We are excited to be working together with staff and students on these issues, and look forward to hearing from you in the coming weeks.
Audrey Utchen
SGA President
Sunday October 16, 2016
The SGA will be recognizing exceptional students and organizations on campus through two new peer recognition awards: Student of the Week and Club of the Week.
If you know of a deserving student or club/organization on campus that has done extraordinary things in the last 7 days, please visit the SGA’s website at and click on the “Nominations” link. Anybody can submit a nomination, but only WAC students are eligible to win. Winners will be announced at Senate each Tuesday evening, notified by email, then posted on Facebook (, Twitter (@WAC_SGA), in the SGA office, and on our website. Nominations will be open through Tuesday at noon for the previous week. The first winners will be announced THIS TUESDAY at Senate, so send in those nominations.
Tuesday September 13, 2016
To: 2016-1017 Senators (via email)
From: Taylor Frey and Audrey Utchen
Date: Tuesday 9/13/2016 11:15 AM
Re: Senate Update
Good Morning Members of the Senate,
Ahead of our Senate meeting tonight, we want to share with you some brief information on recent changes our organization has undergone to become compliant with College policy.
At the conclusion of the 2015-2016 fiscal year, all College offices and departments, including ours, underwent an internal audit by the Business Office. Financial and human resource practices were reviewed in the context of best practice and College policy, as well as State and Federal mandates. As a result of the audit, it was determined that many of our financial and human resource practices were not in compliance with Federal, State and College policies.
The audit found that our previous method of compensation was causing inequity in our pay structure. In addition, some of our positions were exceeding the hours allotted to work under College policy, effectively causing us to be out of compliance with the State of Maryland’s minimum wage laws. As such, our pay structure has been changed externally, a directive of the Business Office in consultation with the Office of Human Resources.
The current pay model is set based on a starting rate of minimum wage, with stipends based on a model of 20 hours per week over 18 weeks to accommodate for work completed outside of the semester. Additional oversight has been built into the system of compensation by requiring the SGA Advisor to review timesheets for every two-week period. In addition, the Business Office will conduct another audit of the pay scale they set after the fall semester to ensure pay rates and stipends are set at correct amounts based on hours worked. For more information about the new pay structure, please consult the following PowerPoint.
Please review the above information and send any questions you have to SGAFREEwashcoll. We will have a short period for questions during Senate this evening, but would like to reserve most of Senate time to introduce aspects of parliamentary procedure and discuss Senate committees.
Taylor Frey & Audrey Utchen
SGA President & Vice President
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